Upgrade iRedMail from 0.7.3 to 0.7.4


Check out the lightweight on-premises email archiving software developed by iRedMail team: Spider Email Archiver.

Paid Remote Upgrade Support

We offer remote upgrade support if you don't want to get your hands dirty, check the details and contact us.

General (All backends should apply these upgrade steps)

Fix incorrect per-user sieve_dir setting in Dovecot

Note: This fix is applicable to Dovecot-1.x, you can check Dovecot version with command dovecot -n.

In /etc/dovecot.conf or /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf, remove the last slash (/) in setting sieve_dir = like below:

# Part of file: dovecot.conf

# Original setting:
#sieve_dir = /var/vmail/sieve/%Ld/%Ln/

# Change to:
sieve_dir = /var/vmail/sieve/%Ld/%Ln              # <-- Remove the last slash.

Add indexes for Amavisd database

$ mysql -uroot -p
mysql> USE amavisd;
mysql> ALTER TABLE maddr ADD INDEX maddr_idx_email (email);
mysql> ALTER TABLE maddr ADD INDEX maddr_idx_domain (domain);
mysql> ALTER TABLE msgs ADD INDEX msgs_idx_content (content);
mysql> ALTER TABLE msgs ADD INDEX msgs_idx_content_time_num (content, time_num);
mysql> ALTER TABLE msgs ADD INDEX msgs_idx_mail_id (mail_id);
mysql> ALTER TABLE quarantine ADD INDEX quar_idx_mail_id (mail_id);

[Debian and Ubuntu special] Assign Apache daemon user to group adm

Note: This fix is applicable to only Debian and Ubuntu.

Assign Apache daemon user to group adm to avoid Awstats cron job issue.

# usermod -g adm www-data

OpenLDAP backend special

Fix incorrect calculation of mailbox quota

There's a bug in iRedMail-0.7.3 and all earlier versions: Mailbox quota gets calculated per user and per user alias account, so both email addresses get their own mailbox quota usage. Here's the solution to fix it.

# Part of file: dovecot-ldap.conf

# Original settings:
#pass_attrs = userPassword=password
#user_attrs = homeDirectory=home,[...OMIT OTHER SETTINGS HERE...]

# Changed:
pass_attrs = mail=user,userPassword=password
user_attrs = mail=user,homeDirectory=home,[...OMIT OTHER SETTINGS HERE...]

Restarting Dovecot service is required.

MySQL backend special

Store realtime mailbox quota usage in seperate SQL table

In iRedMail-0.7.3 and some earlier versions, Dovecot stores realtime mailbox quota usage in MySQL database in two columns: mailbox.bytes, mailbox.messages, if they have invalid values (e.g. empty value, non-integer value), Dovecot will update them with two SQL commands:

  1. delete record with SQL: DELETE FROM mailbox WHERE username='xxx@yyy.com'
  2. create a new record with current, correct quota info. SQL: INSERT INTO mailbox (username, bytes, messages) VALUES ('xxx@yyy.com', xx, xx)

As you can see, first sql command will delete iRedMail mail user, that's critial issue. So we have to store realtime mailbox quota usage in a separate MySQL table to avoid similar issues.

Below are steps to store realtime mailbox quota usage in a separate SQL table:

# mysql -uroot -p
mysql> USE vmail;
mysql> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `used_quota` (
    `username` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    `messages` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    PRIMARY KEY (`username`)

mysql> ALTER TABLE mailbox DROP COLUMN bytes;
mysql> ALTER TABLE mailbox DROP COLUMN messages;