iRedMail Easy: Getting started


Check out the lightweight on-premises email archiving software developed by iRedMail team: Spider Email Archiver.


iRedMail Easy platform will be discontinued on Jan 25, 2026. Get a FREE iRedMail Enterprise Edition license and migrate.



iRedMail Easy is a web-based deployment and support platform. With this platform, it's easy to deploy and keep the iRedMail server up to date, easy to get the fast and professional technical support from iRedMail team.

We encourage all users to deploy new iRedMail servers with this platform and keep the servers up to date.

If you prefer classic downloadable iRedMail installer, you can find the installation guides here: Install iRedMail.

System Requirements


Supported Linux and BSD distribution releases

Linux/BSD distribution releases supported by iRedMail Easy:

Distribution Release Versions
CentOS 8, 9 (recommended)
Debian 10, 11 (recommended)
Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04 (recommended)
OpenBSD 7.3

If you need to install iRedMail on FreeBSD, please use the downloadable installer instead.

Hardware Requirements

Sign up and login

To deploy a mail server, you need to sign up with a valid email address first:

It will send you an email to confirm you're the owner of the email address, please click the link in the email to confirm, then login.

After signed up, you get one-month trial for free to evaluate the iRedMail Easy platform, if you don't like it, or don't need it, feel free to remove your own account in Profile page on the left sidebar after logged in.

Screenshots of Sign Up and Login pages:

Add a new mail server

After login, you will be redirected to the Dashboard page, please click the Add a mail server button to add a new mail server.

Explanation of the form fields:

Click the button to create mail server, after created, page will be redirected to mail server profile page. You're free to update profile here.

Choose preferred backend

Click tab Backend on the mail server profile page.

A backend is a SQL or LDAP database used to store mail domains and accounts. We suggest you choose the one you're familiar with for easier maintenance.

Choose the components you want to deploy

Click tab Components on the mail server profile page.

A component is a software (or software group) which implements some network service(s). On this page you can choose the components you want to deploy on your mail server.

Component settings

Click tab Settings on the mail server profile page.

Depends on the components you selected, the settings on this page may be different. Please fill all required form fields on this page.

Fields with red asterisk are required, others are optional.



All accounts and passwords generated during deployment are stored in file /root/iRedMail/ on your server.

Click tab Deployment on the mail server profile page.

Please run the commands displayed on this page on your mail server, it will download a shell script to simplify ssh public key setup. If ssh login user is not root, it will help setup sudo (on Linux) or doas (on OpenBSD) also.

After you ran the commands, it's ready to deployment. Click the button Perform Full Deployment to start the deployment.

Depends on the components you selected, and network connection speed between your server and our deployment server, it may take few minutes or even longer to finish. Please be patient.

It will refresh the page every 5 seconds and show you the latest output of deployment task, you can watch and (hopefully) have some fun. :)

Get techinical support through the ticket system

If you have any question or issue, feel free to open a new support ticket, clearly explain the question or issue, support team will try to reply as soon as possible.

Update account profile

You can update the account profile on the Profile page:

If you do not like this platform, you can find a button on this page to remove your account.

See Also