Upgrade iRedMail Enterprise Edition

iRedMail Enterprise Edition is a single binary program, upgrading is simple:

That's all.

Let's take v1.0-beta9 as new version, Linux OS and amd64 architecture for example:

wget -O /tmp/iredmail https://dl.iredmail.org/ee/iredmail-enterprise-v1.0-beta9-linux-amd64
service iredmail stop
mv /tmp/iredmail /usr/local/bin/iredmail
chown root /usr/local/bin/iredmail
chmod 0500 /usr/local/bin/iredmail
service iredmail start

After upgraded software, please login to its web UI as global admin and check the Software card on Dashboard page, if there's some update for deployed software like Postfix, Dovecot, Nginx, etc, it will show the Apply iRedMail Changes button, click it to finish the upgrade.

That's all.

See Also