Upgrade iRedMail Enterprise Edition

iRedMail Enterprise Edition is a single binary program, upgrading is simple:

That's all.

Let's take v1.0.0 as new version, Linux OS and amd64 architecture for example:

wget -O /tmp/iredmail https://dl.iredmail.org/ee/iredmail-enterprise-v1.0.0-linux-amd64
service iredmail stop
mv /tmp/iredmail /usr/local/bin/iredmail
chown root /usr/local/bin/iredmail
chmod 0500 /usr/local/bin/iredmail
service iredmail start

After upgraded binary, login to the web UI as global admin. If there's some update for deployed software like Postfix, Dovecot, Nginx, etc, it will show a banner with Upgrade button, please click it to finish the upgrade.

See Also