Install iRedMail Enterprise Edition


Check out the lightweight on-premises email archiving software developed by iRedMail team: Spider Email Archiver.



iRedMail Enterprise Edition is a web-based, on-premises iRedMail server installer and management admin panel.

With iRedMail Enterprise, it's easy to deploy a full-featured email server, and keep the server up to date with just few clicks on the web UI, also manage or tune server settings.

We encourage all users to deploy new iRedMail servers with iRedMail Enterprise Edition and keep the server up to date.

If you prefer classic downloadable shell-based iRedMail installer, you can find the installation guides here: Install iRedMail.

System Requirements


Supported Linux and BSD distribution releases

Linux/BSD distribution releases supported by iRedMail Enterprise Edition:

Distribution Release Versions
CentOS Stream 8, 9
Rocky Linux 8, 9
AlmaLinux 8, 9
Debian 11, 12
Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, 24.04
OpenBSD 7.5

If you need to install iRedMail on FreeBSD, please use the downloadable installer instead.

Hardware Requirements

Get a License

iRedMail Enterprise Edition requires a license key, you can request a free one-month trial license or purchase one by signing up or login to our iRedMail Store.

Download and run the installer

Run commands below on the server to download iRedMail Enterprise Edition on Linux or OpenBSD, both x86_64/AMD64 and ARM64 are supported:


Please download it and save to /usr/local/bin/iredmail. This path is hard-coded in systemd service file to start iRedMail Enterprise.

cd /usr/local/bin/
wget -O iredmail
chown root:root iredmail
chmod 0500 iredmail
cd /usr/local/bin/
wget -O iredmail
chown root:root iredmail
chmod 0500 iredmail
cd /usr/local/bin/
wget -O iredmail
chown root:wheel iredmail
chmod 0500 iredmail
cd /usr/local/bin/
wget -O iredmail
chown root:wheel iredmail
chmod 0500 iredmail

Launch the installer:


Below are screenshots of the installation wizard.


Choose preferred backend

A backend is a SQL or LDAP database used to store mail domains and accounts. There're not big differences between them, so we suggest you choose the one you're familiar with for easier maintenance.

Choose the components you want to deploy

A component is a software (or software group, service) which implements some network service(s). On this page you can choose the components you want to deploy on your mail server.

Required settings

Few settings are required to deploy a mail server.

Note: while typing, it will validate the input value, please fill and wait for 1-3 seconds until it finished the validation.

Optional settings

Depends on the components you chose to install, the settings on this page may be different.

Review and deploy


All account passwords are generated randomly during deployment, and stored in files under /root/.iredmail/kv/ on your own server, also organized in file /root/iRedMail/ for your reference.

Review the settings:

Click Confirm and Deploy button to deploy immediately:

Setup complete

Once setup finished successfully, you should see info for login to admin panel. Please visit the URL and login with given username and password.

Note: This is a global admin which has all privileges.

Login to admin panel

After logged into admin panel, you can manage software components, tune server settings, manage mail accounts, etc.

See Also